Redesigned ChestESP, making it easier to tell the difference between a chest that has never been opened, a chest that has been emptied by the player and a chest that has been opened but not emptied.
ChestESP will now tell you how many chests it found.
Improved performance of ChestESP (we have measured a 5-10x improvement).
ChestESP is no longer limited to 1000 chests.
ChestESP will now remember all of the chests that you have opened (previously limited to 64 chests). Disabling and re-enabling ChestESP will still reset its memory.
BowAimbot will now start aiming before the bow is fully drawn if it is already possible to hit the target.
Redesigned BowAimbot.
Improved MobESP, PlayerESP and Tracers: They will now draw smoother lines with brighter colors.
Redesigned ProphuntESP.
Fixed ChestESP not remembering which chests you have already opened in multiplayer.