

  • 如何安装 Wurst?
    请阅读 安装教程.

  • Help! Fabric says "mod X depends on Y [some specific version]"!
    You have the wrong version of something. Please read my guide on how to fix this.

  • Help! I can't find the .dupe command.
    Please read my guide on how to fix this.

  • I have Minecraft 1.12.2/1.8.9. Why does the Wurst 6 installer say that it couldn't find my Minecraft installation?
    You need Minecraft 1.12/1.8 instead. Please read my guide on how to fix this.

  • Which key opens the GUI?
    Right CTRL? Right Shift? Wurst has more than one GUI, pick your favorite! You can use the Keybind Manager to see all your keybinds and customize them to your liking.

  • Help! I deleted my GUI keybinds!
    Relax! This is easy to fix. Just open the Keybind Manager and click the "Reset to Defaults" button.

  • 帮助!我的X-Ray不能用。
    您是否到处看到假矿石?那是一个旨在破坏X-Ray的服务器插件。不幸的是,您对此无能为力。 您是否看到一切都好像 X 射线已关闭一样? OptiFine(自 F4 版起)和 Sodium 会发生这种情况。 如果可能,请改用 OptiFine F3。 您也可以使用 Search 而不是 X-Ray,或者使用不带 OptiFine/Sodium 的 Wurst 作为解决方法。 我目前对此没有适当的解决方法。 如果您有任何关于如何解决此问题的信息,我会全力以赴。

  • 我如何制作 AutoBuild 模板?
